Benny Wenda’s Statement on murder of Papuan leader Martinus Yohame
September 1, 2014
A public statement from Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Free West Papua Campaign founder, Benny Wenda Dear friends, supporters and…
Global day of protests for jailed journalists in West Papua
August 27, 2014
On Monday 25th August, the Free West Papua Campaign organised demonstrations in 5 different countries all…
Benny Wenda calls for worldwide protests to free French journalists
August 21, 2014
Press Release This statement has been released by Benny Wenda, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and founder of the Free West Papua Campaign Dear friends of West Papua I am writing to you today to ask for your essential support in…
Take Action: ask your government to support media freedom in West Papua
August 20, 2014
The New Zealand government recently passed a motion calling for “genuine media freedom in West Papua”. Sadly, on 6th August two French journalists, Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat, who were reporting on the growing human rights crisis in the Lanny…
Worldwide FWPC protests to refuse New York Agreement
August 17, 2014
On Friday 15th August, the Free West Papua Campaign held protests all around the world to refuse…
Statement from Benny Wenda on the arrested journalists
August 9, 2014
Statement from Benny Wenda.Nobel peace prize nominee and founder of the Free West Papua campaign. Two days ago the Indonesian military arrested two French journalists for trying to expose to the world is happening…
Victor Yeimo released from prison
August 5, 2014
The Free West Papua Campaign is very pleased to announce that today, Victor Yeimo, the Chairman of the West…
New Zealand parliament calls for journalist access in West Papua
August 1, 2014
We are very happy to report that history was made yesterday as the New Zealand Parliament officially passed a motion calling for full journalist access and media freedom in West Papua. A video of the parliament motion be seen can here…
Scores arrested and beaten as West Papuans in Timika protest for a referendum
July 27, 2014
On 17th July 2014, hundreds to thousands of people outside the local Indonesian Parliament office in Timika, West Papua, peacefully protested for an independence referendum and for the release of the scores West Papuan political prisoners who continue to be…
Over 80% of West Papuans boycott the Indonesian elections
July 13, 2014
On Wednesday 9th July, the people of West Papua held a nation-wide boycott of the Indonesian presidential elections after many pro-independence groups issued statements calling for a mass refusal to vote for any Indonesian government. This is because all successive Indonesian…