London cinema screening of ‘The Road to Home’ documentary
June 2, 2015
A screening of The Road to Home, will take place at the ArtHouse Cinema in London on 13th June as part of the Origins Festival of First Nations. More info and tickets available here The Road to Home follows Benny Wenda, the Nobel Peace Prize nominated West Papuan independence leader,…
Candlelit vigils for West Papua to be held in Sydney and Melbourne
June 2, 2015
In support of freedom and an end to the suffering in West Papua, there will be 2 candlelit vigils in Australia on 5th June later this week. Sydney 5th July, 17:30 to 19:30 Sydney Town Hall Melbourne 5th July, 17:30 to 19:30 Melbourne City Square Sydney …
Statement on mass arrests of West Papuans supporting MSG bid
May 30, 2015
Benny Wenda has released this statement in light of the further mass arrests and torture of West Papuans by the Indonesian police, just for peacefully supporting West Papua joining the Melanesian Spearhead Group through the United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULMWP). For media and press related inquiries you can…
Dozens of West Papuans arrested, many tortured for joining pro MSG rallies
May 28, 2015
Media advisory – for immediate release Dozens arrested and many injured as police crackdown on protesters in West Papua 28 May 2015 28 May 2015 – At least 81 people have been arrested in West Papua by Indonesian authorities at a number of protest rallies. Reports of beatings and mistreatment…
Free West Papua demo held outside Indonesian Embassy in London
May 23, 2015
Today the Free West Papua Campaign held a demonstration outside the Indonesian Embassy in London, United Kingdom to call for West Papua to be free. We stood in front of the Embassy in Grosvenor Square and despite the rain we were determined to stay and raise our voices in protest.…
West Papua’s rightful place
May 22, 2015
The following appeared as a feature in the PNG Post- Courier newspaper on 22nd May 2015. By BENNY WENDA In one month’s time, the eyes of the Pacific will turn to Melanesia…
West Papuan leader denied entry by United States
May 15, 2015
At 14:00, 13 May 2015 the United States (US) office of homeland security stopped West Papuan Independence leader Mr Benny Wenda from boarding a Virgin Atlantic flight from London to Los Angeles.
West Papua flags now available through our online shop
May 12, 2015
We are now selling West Papua flags through our online shop. Available in three different sizes, these flags are digitally printed on high quality knitted polyester, with eyelets/rope and toggle fixing. We deliver worldwide, and lll proceeds from sales will be used towards this campaign for a free and independent
Is media freedom more than words?
May 11, 2015
The Free West Papua Campaign (FWPC) welcomes news that journalists may now be able to visit West Papua. During his second visit to West Papua, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said visa restrictions are to be lifted. The announcement comes just days after a global day of action ‘for journalist access’…
ULMWP Press Release of Indonesian President’s visit to PNG
May 9, 2015
United Liberation Movement of West Papua 9 May 2015. Press Release. For Immediate release Melanesian solidarity can resist Indonesian pressure Event: Visit of Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Papua New Guinea on 10 and 11 May to meet Prime Minister Peter O’Neill. Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s visit to…