Indonesian government cannot stand in way of West Papuan people
June 24, 2015
The only legitimate representatives of West Papua are the West Papuans themselves. For too long, provincial “governors” imposed by Jakarta have engaged in iron fist administration, and not in the interests of the people they purport to represent.
New Caledonian representative supports West Papua joining MSG
June 24, 2015
As the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG)’s meets in the Solomon islands, we are happy to report that the Spokesperson of the Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS), Victor Tutugoro has expressed…
55,000 West Papuans petition Melanesian Foreign Ministers
June 23, 2015
The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) today at the invitation of the Chair of the MSG Foreign Ministers meeting, Hon. Milner Tozaka, presented a petition containing 55,555 compiled signatures from West Papua to the Melanesian Foreign Ministers in Honiara, Solomon Islands.
Now is the time for Melanesians to stand as one people
June 18, 2015
United Liberation Movement of West Papua Press Release – Statement – For Immediate Release We come to Honiara today tasked with a mission from the people of a united West Papua to complete our journey for full membership of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG)i. It is a journey that one…
MSG Leaders’ Summit Commences
June 18, 2015
Contact: Natalie Smith, Coordinator, Free West Papua Scotland, 07883202154 [email protected] For immediate release: 18th June 2015 Today officials and representatives of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), a Pacific regional trade and cultural body, began to arrive in Honiara where the MSG leader’s summit will be taking place on the 24th-26th
West Papua moves to join the Melanesian family
June 18, 2015
For media and press related inquiries you can contact the Free West Papua Campaign on +44 (0) 1865 403202 or through e-mail via [email protected] PRESS RELEASE Today the sub-regional body, the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) will meet and begin to decide on MSG membership of West Papua. Background The Melanesian
Over 150,000 West Papuans sign a pro ULMWP petition amid crackdown
June 17, 2015
We have just received this 40 minute video uploaded by a West Papuan activist showing the names of so far over 157,427 West Papuans who in just a few weeks have all signed a petition supporting the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) representing them in the Melanesian Spearhead
Send a letter to your Parliamentarian asking them to support West Papua
June 16, 2015
If you could forward this sample letter to your MPs & MSPs ASAP, ahead of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG)* commencing this Thursday we at the campaign would be very grateful. We think letter’s from constituent members go further than generic mails, so we really appreciate your help with this
Torture and beatings of school students in West Papua
June 9, 2015
We have recently received a report about the torture of junior high students in Timika, West Papua, who were stripped and tortured by the Indonesian military and police who threatened to shoot them. According to information, on 23rd May, West Papuan students were angry with staff that…
More international MPs sign West Papua declaration
June 5, 2015
There is a new wave of political support growing for West Papua’s legal right to self determination. People writing to their MP’s really does work. Thanks to everyone who has been emailing their politicians asking them to support West Papua. Legal self determination for West Papua!! International Parliamentarians for West…