Join the Global Action demonstrations for Press Freedom in West Papua
April 21, 2017
From May 1st to May 3rd there will be a Global Action for West Papua as demonstrations take place across the world, calling for full Press Freedom in West Papua. We are calling on YOU to join us in shining light on the media blackout in West Papua. Day of…
2017: West Papua Media Briefing ahead of Indonesia Hosting World Press Freedom Day
April 12, 2017
Overview 2017 is currently progressing as another dismal year for media access in West Papua as the false promise of Indonesian President Joko Widodo in 2015 to allow foreign journalist’s access to West Papua has fallen further into disregard.
Walk for West Papua to be held between Geelong to Melbourne in Australia
April 8, 2017
Sign up to join the Walk 4 West Papua here From 26th to 30th April, a 73km awareness raising walk for West Papua will be taking place from Geelong to Melbourne to signify the distance between Australian territory (Deliverance Island) and West Papua, Australia’s closest neighbour. The walk is being hosted by…
Reporters Without Borders calls upon Indonesian President to allow journalists to work in West Papua
April 5, 2017
From Radio New Zealand. The international media watchdog, Reporters Without Borders, has called on the Indonesian President Joko Widodo to keep his election promise to allow local and international journalists to operate in West Papua without obstruction or surveillance. Tabloid Jubi reported this call came after the expulsion of French…
Support for West Papua from Bob Marley’s band The Wailers
April 2, 2017
On 21st March, West Papuan Independence Leader Benny Wenda met with The Wailers, the band of the legendary reggae artist Bob Marley, in Oxford, United Kingdom.
West Papuan man executed by the Indonesian police
April 1, 2017
On 27th March, 2017, a West Papuan man was executed by the Indonesian police on Yapen Island.* Below follows an urgent media statement from the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP). MEDIA STATEMENT 27th March, 2017 West Papuan man shot dead by the Indonesian police in Yapen. The United…
Two more French journalists deported from West Papua by the Indonesian government.
March 20, 2017
The Indonesian government has deported and banned Jean Frank Pierre, 45, and Basille Marie Longhamp, 42, from West Papua after they entered West Papua “on a tourist visa”.…/two-french-journalists-depor…/ The two French journalists that were deported are Franck Jean Pierre Escudie and Basille Marie Longghampr. Based on the results…
ULMWP update held in the Netherlands
March 7, 2017
March 4 this year. An information meeting took place of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) in Rijswijk. The program was opened by Secretary General, Octovianus Mote, on current trends for the past two years and plans for the current year. ULMWP member, Leonie Tanggahma gave a presentation…
West Papuan father tortured and shot by the Indonesian military
February 15, 2017
We have received urgent information that West Papuan father David Tarko was brutally tortured and shot by the Indonesian military in Maribu village near the capital city of Port Numbay/Jayapura. The Indonesian military reportedly raided his village after he was accused of supporting West Papuan Independence activists, beat him up…
West Papuan Political Prisoner Steven Itlay released from jail
February 11, 2017
We are delighted to announce that West Papuan political prisoner Steven Itlay has been released today after serving nearly a year in prison for organising a Free West Papua prayer gathering. Steven Itlay became one of West Papua’s most renowned political prisoners after being arrested in 2016 and has been…