Solomon Islands supports West Papuan self-determination at the United Nations General Assembly
September 22, 2017
Today at the United Nations General Assembly, the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, H.E. Mr. Manasseh Sogavare made a heartfelt speech, reaffirming the unbreakable and longstanding support of his people and nation for the people of West Papua. He opened his remarks concerning West Papua, linking in the United Nations
Vanuatu supports West Papuan self-determination at the United Nations General Assembly
September 22, 2017
Today at the United Nations General Assembly, the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, H.E. Mr. Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas made an inspiring speech in which he reaffirmed the strong and consistent support of his people and nation for the people of West Papua. For half a century, the international community has witnessed
Tuvalu supports West Papuan self-determination at the United Nations General Assembly
September 21, 2017
Today at the United Nations General Assembly, the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, H.E. Mr. Enele Sosene Sopoaga made an inspiring speech in which he reaffirmed the strong and consistent support of his people and nation for the people of West Papua. He stated, “Of similar concerns, the people of West
Solomon Islands condemns West Papua human rights abuses, at the UN Human Rights Council
September 20, 2017
Today at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the government of Solomon Islands reiterated its firm support for the human rights of the people of West Papua and condemned the increasing human rights violations against West Papuan people. Solomon Islands Permanent Representative, Minister Councilor Barrett Salato on behalf of the…
West Papua: Five facts about Indonesia’s occupation
September 20, 2017
Military repression, possible genocide, western collusion Indonesia refuses a referendum on self-determination & independence London, UK – 19 September 2017 By Connor Woodman, Politics of Papua Project, University of Warwick, UK The Indonesian president, Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo, is desperate to keep hidden Indonesia’s dark, dirty secret: its brutal…
93 West Papuan children reportedly die from disease caused by Indonesian government negligence
September 14, 2017
93 children have died in West Papua due to systematic Indonesian government neglect
CALL TO ACTION: Help pressure the UN General Assembly on social media!
September 14, 2017
Starting on September 12, 2017, the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) commenced. It will run until September 25. We need as much help as possible in bringing the Indonesian occupation of West Papua to the attention of the world! Internationals events such as these are a…
Indonesian journalist faces up to 4 years in prison for comparing plight of Rohingya to plight of West Papuans
September 14, 2017
Indonesian veteran journalist and documentary filmmaker Dandhy Dwi Laksono is under criminal investigation by the Indonesian police for a Facebook post comparing the plight of the Rohingya people in Myanmar to the plight of the people of West Papua. According to Global Voices, Dandhy Dwi Laksono wrote that that ‘if Myanmar’s government is…
More of the same: human rights in West Papua, July-September 2017
September 13, 2017
Unsurprisingly, a litany of human rights abuses have continued to wrack occupied West Papua from July to September this year. As we documented, 2016 was a year of continued harassment, mass arrests, imprisonment and killings; 2017 has been similarly dire for West Papuans. Mass arrests Under President Joko Widodo, mass…
West Papuan youth killed and others shot by the Indonesian police for protesting against exploitation
September 9, 2017
Due to a lack of initial confirmation of details, this story has been published now but the events described below took place on 9th August 2017. On 9th August, 1 West Papuan youth Theo Cakatem was killed and 2 others were shot by the Indonesian military in Port Poamako near