Join our appeal to help Free Yanto Awerkion!
December 19, 2017
Please help us to get Yanto out of jail Please help us free Yanto Rather than sharing Christmas with his family, West Papuan political prisoner Yanto Awerkion will be spending Christmas day in a prison cell in West Papua – all for signing a petition…. In May 2017, the Indonesian…
66 arrested and 4 beaten at solidarity rallies held in 14 Indonesian cities to reject Indonesia’s occupation of West Papua
December 19, 2017
Today, an unprecedented wave of solidarity from people across Indonesia took place for West Papua’s freedom as the West Papuan Student’s Alliance (AMP), together with the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-West Papua), held rallies in 14 Indonesian cities.
West Papuan activist dies from Indonesian police torture
December 16, 2017
It brings us great sadness to report the brutal murder of yet another young West Papuan activist by the Indonesian police. Mekky Hisage died on Friday 15th December, from critical injuries sustained from Indonesian police torture.
16 year old boy shot as West Papuans commemorate Human Rights Day
December 16, 2017
This year, people across West Papua held demonstrations across the country calling for their fundamental human rights, including their right to self-determination. Meanwhile, a 16 year old West Papuan boy was shot by suspected members of the Indonesian Special Forces.
Yanto Awerkion remains behind bars for supporting the West Papuan People’s Petition
December 15, 2017
As the year draws to a close, we would like to give an update on the situation around West Papuan political prisoner Yanto Awerkion who was arrested on 30th May 2017, simply for speaking at an event supporting the historic West Papuan People’s Petition which in total was signed by…
Benny Wenda elected as Chairperson of ULMWP
December 12, 2017
This article was originally published on the website of West Papuan independence leader Benny Wenda and can be read here. Following an historic leaders meeting of The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), Benny Wenda has been elected as Chairperson and will now lead the organisation. In his inaugural…
Photos and thanks after Global Flag Raising for West Papua!
December 8, 2017
The Free West Papua Campaign would like to thank everyone who attended the historic Global Flag Raising for West Papua on 1st December. This year we received over 250 photos from over 30 countries around the world, making it the biggest global day of action for West Papua so far!…
Global Flag Raising for West Papua starts today!
December 1, 2017
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY WEST PAPUA! Today the #GlobalFlagRaising for West Papua begins, as the people of West Papua celebrate the 56th Anniversary of the day the West Papuan flag was first raised on 1st December, 1961. Today the flag will be raised in solidarity around the world with…
3 days to go before the #GlobalFlagRaising for West Papua on 1st December!
November 28, 2017
Calling on ALL supporters to join the Global Flag Raising for West Papua! We are inviting you to join us to take part in what we hope to be the biggest Global day of action for West Papua so far. Each year we ask supporters to take photos of themselves
New Solomon Islands Prime Minister reiterates his country’s support for West Papua
November 25, 2017
We are delighted to report that the new Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, H.E. Mr. Rick Hou, is following in the footsteps of former PM H.E. Mr. Manasseh Sogavare in supporting West Papua. Thank you Prime Minister! Tagio tumas! After meeting with Octovianus Mote from the United Liberation Movement for…