News Stories
Category: Human Rights
Indonesian government ‘forcing all NGOs to leave West Papua’
December 13, 2015
URGENT NEWS FROM OCCUPIED WEST PAPUA According to CNN, the Indonesian government has ordered all International NGO offices to close operations and leave West Papua by the end of 2015. They apparently received these instructions from the state earlier this month. This is a familiar story in West Papua as…
Reported massacre in Yapen – “Indonesia is committing a secret genocide in West Papua”
December 11, 2015
West Papuan Independence Leader Benny Wenda has written this statement on International Human Rights Day about the deaths of up to 4 West Papuan villagers in Yapen who were shot by the Indonesian military and police for raising the West Papuan flag on 1st December 2015. Office of Benny Wenda
1 year on, still no justice for Paniai massacre victims
December 10, 2015
Yesterday, West Papuans mourned the Anniversary of the Paniai Massacre, remembering 8th December 2014 when 5 West Papuan children, were shot dead and 17 others injured by the Indonesian military. A West Papuan who took part in this Mourning ceremony said “With one heart, we young West Papuans abroad in
Indonesian authorities kill 2 Papuans, shoot 7, arrest 306 and beat local and foreign journalists
December 3, 2015
On Tuesday 1st December, West Papuans were commemorating their national day and 54 years to the day since the West Papuan flag was first raised in 1961. In response to flag raisings and demonstrations all over West Papua and Indonesia, the Indonesian authorities brutally cracked down on all such activities.
Filep Karma finally released from prison
November 19, 2015
After more than 11 years in jail for raising the West Papuan flag, West Papuan independence leader Filep Karma has finally been released! This is an incredible day for the people of West Papua and follows from years of hard work and campaigning for his freedom. It is a reward…
Human Rights Watch releases damning report on media freedom in West Papua
November 13, 2015
Human Rights Watch have released an extensive and damning report into the state of media freedom in West Papua. Titled “Something to Hide? Indonesia’s Restrictions…
West Papuan Independence leader reportedly tortured to death by the Indonesian police
November 9, 2015
We are very sorry to learn that West Papuan Independence Leader Rigo Wambo reportedly died today after being tortured by the Indonesian police when he supported a West Papua-wide boycott of Indoensian Independence Celebrations. Rigo Wambo was the Chairperson of the West Papua National Committee [KNPB] in the Central Mamberamo…
New Guardian article exposes violence against women in West Papua
October 29, 2015
An article has recently been published by the Guardian, exposing some of the institutionalised violence against women in West Papua. The article documents many human rights violations against women and also mentions how West Papuans were denied their right to a referendum on self-determination.
New All Party Parliamentarian Group (APPG) on West Papua launched in the British Parliament.
October 27, 2015
A new All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on West Papua has been launched in the British Parliament. Politicians from the governing and opposition parties yesterday joined together to form the APPG inside the British Parliament. Following the official launch the 1st meeting was held…
Action needed: Ask your UK MP to join the All Party Parliamentary Group on West Papua
October 16, 2015
A new All Party Parliamentary Group for West Papua is being set up this month and we are calling on all UK friends and supporters to please write to their MP and ask them to join this important group.