Join our global voice in solidarity for West Papua’s full MSG membership
Dear Free West Papua family,
New momentum needed for West Papua’s full MSG membership!
This month, Melanesan leaders will be meeting to discuss the United Liberation Movement for West Papua’s application for full membership of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).
The people of West Papua need YOUR SUPPORT to help them gain full membership and reach this essential landmark on the Road to Freedom
Full membership status for the ULMWP within the MSG will be the most significant accomplishment step so far for official recognition of West Papuans as a Melanesian people; a designation that officially challenges Indonesia’s right to occupy the region on a new diplomatic level.
Please go here for more information on MSG, ULMWP and West Papua.
You can start by downloading the #ULMWP4MSG cards here and here. Send us YOUR photos of you holding them and showing your support and we will share your solidarity on our social media to raise more awareness and momentum around the MSG.

Members of the Free West Papua Campaign in Papua New Guinea together with ULMWP Secretary Rex Rumakiek showing their support for West Papua’s full MSG membership.
We need our global voices to come together again, in song, in acts of global demonstration, in silent protest, to show our support to West Papua’s full membership to the MSG.
Let’s join our voices and spirits and come together in solidarity and love for the United Liberation Movement for West Papua’s application to the MSG.
Hey Wantok: A song for West Papua to join the MSG
This song was composed by the people of West Papua for their Melanesian wantoks and brothers and sisters as a cry for help to support their families left behind in West Papua & calls for West Papua’s full membership of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).
PLEASE help us to spread this song around the world so everyone can share in the spirit of West Papua!!! You can find the words below.
Here is other ways how you can join us:
•Join Rize of the Morning Star, a collective of musicians dedicating to raising awareness and support for West Papua’s freedom and full MSG membership!•
• Upload as many photos and messages of support as possible on your Facebook, twitter and Instagram accounts using the hashtags below.
• Make it your profile photo and ask all of your friends and family to do the same.
• Send all photos and videos messages of support to the Free West Papua Campaign Facebook Page & Rize of the Morning Star.
Your photos will be posted for everyone to see!
PLEASE use the hashtag and messages below;
“West Papua for MSG” “I support ULMWP’s full membership to MSG” “Bring West Papua back to the Melanesian family”. “Indonesia is not Melanesian”.
We believe the MSG stands as a beacon of hope for all who struggle for self-determination and independence.
We believe we will become full members of the MSG and come home to our Melanesian family.
We need to come together again and show solidarity to the ULMWP now and support their call for full membership to the MSG.
Join us for the results & follow all progress on our Facebook.
LYRICS of Hey Wantok song;
Wantok Wantok
Brata na susa
Yumi Wansolwara
Wan kalsa, Wan Pipol
Yupla gat freedom
Na mipla no gat freedom
Long West Papua
Harim krai, harim krai
Blong West Papua
Hey Wantok blong Solwara
Noken forgetim West Papua
Hey Wantok blong Solwara
West Papua nidim help bilong yu
Wantoks, Wantoks
Brothers and sisters
We are One Ocean
One Culture, One People – Melanesian
You have freedom
But we do not have freedom in West Papua
Hear the cry, hear the cry of West Papua
Hey Wantok from the Ocean,
Don’t forget West Papua
Hey Wantok from the Ocean,
West Papua needs your help