October 26, 2018
For a new West Papua Challenge, we are looking for people who want to write a poem about West Papua. So if you are a writer, a poet or even if you don’t call yourself a writer, please apply and write for a good cause.
The plan comes from Michael Kruse. He involved with the Free West Papua Campaign Netherlands and has this idea to make a poetry collection about West Papua. Not a collection of his own work, but that of 56 different writers worldwide. Each poem standing for one year of illegal occupation of West Papua by Indonesia.
He also would like these poems be brought to life by 56 artist around the world. So if you are an artist (sketch, paint, draw, sculpt, etc.), and would like the challenge to base one of your works on a poem by an anonymous writer, please apply as well.
The result will be a diverse and artistic art book that in a sense gives the people of West Papua a voice they haven’t had for over 50 years.
See www.west-papua-art-book.com for more info about the challenge and how to apply. If you know someone who might be interested in this project, please share and tag them in a post on social media.
* This book will be distributed worldwide. All proceeds go to the Free West Papua Campaign.