Benny Wenda: Marape brave to question Prabowo over West Papua

October 28, 2024

On behalf of the people of West Papua, I want to thank Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape for directly raising the issue of West Papua in his meeting with Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto. This was a brave move on behalf of his brothers and sisters in West Papua.  

The offer of amnesty for West Papuans by Prabowo is a direct result of him being ambushed by PM Marape on West Papua. But what does amnesty mean? All West Papuans support Merdeka, independence; all West Papuans want to raise the Morning Star; all West Papuans want to be free from colonial rule. But pro-independence actions of any kind are illegal in West Papua. If we raise our flag or call for self-determination, we are beaten, arrested or jailed. If the offer of amnesty is real, it must involve releasing all West Papuan political prisoners. It must involve allowing us to peacefully struggle for our freedom without the threat of imprisonment.  

In the history of the occupation, it is very rare for Melanesian leaders to openly confront the Indonesian President about West Papua. Marape can become like Moses for West Papua, going to Pharoah and demanding ‘let my people go!’. West Papua and Papua New Guinea are the same people, divided only by an arbitrary colonial line. One day the border between us will fall like the Berlin Wall and we will finally be able celebrate the full liberation of New Guinea together, from Sorong to Samarai. By raising West Papua at Prabowo’s inauguration, Marape is inhabiting the spirit of Melanesian brotherhood and solidarity. Vanuatu Prime Minister and MSG Chair Charlot Salwai and Solomon Islands Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele were also there as a Melanesian delegation.

To Prabowo, I say this: A true amnesty means giving West Papua our land back by withdrawing your military, and allowing the self-determination referendum we have been denied since the 1960s. 

Benny Wenda  