Punks for West Papua documentary exposes the secret genocide
January 27, 2016
A new and inspiring documentary, Punks for West Papua has recently been released, following the punk rock community of Australia who have united in force to support the people of West Papua and the struggle for freedom.
Watch the trailer for the ground breaking new documentary here
Last year, the movement held an Australia wide event to raise funds and awareness with 50 bands in 7 cities around the country. Making Punks for West Papua the biggest, and no doubt, loudest punk rock event in the nations history. Profits raised from renting this film will go to the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) which represents the people of West Papua in the international community.
The film’s website states,
‘The P4WP film crew travelled around the country, interviewing all the main players of the movement, plus features interviews with two time Nobel peace prize nominee, Benny Wenda, journalist Hugh Lunn who was in West Papua for the 1969 vote, rock journalist Stuart Coupe and United Liberation Movement for West Papua leader, Rex Rumikiek.
‘Narrated by Basia Bonkowski, Punks for West Papua is an intriguing story of one man’s selfless gesture that inspired a nation and is recommended viewing for not just fans of punk rock but for anybody who believes in justice.’

West Papuan Independence Leader meeting Jody Bartolo, one of the founders of Punks for West Papua
The Free West Papua Campaign would like to give a very big thank you to all those involved with the Punks for West Papua Movement as well as the powerful documentary.
We urge as many people as possible to watch the film which teaches a lot about the history of the illegal occupation of West Papua as well as following the West Papuan freedom struggle and growing international solidarity.
Thanks very much Punks for West Papua! Keep up all the great work!