Urgent Pacific Disaster Appeal after Cyclone Pam
March 15, 2015
West Papua independence leader Benny Wenda has launched this urgent appeal to help those affected by Cyclone Pam which has caused much loss of life and destruction throughout many Pacific nations.

The cyclone has left thousands homeless and many people have died
Benny Wenda Pacific Appeal 2015
“I urgently need help for my Brothers and Sisters in the Pacific particularly in Vanuatu and other islands who have lost everything due to the cyclone disaster we have all seen on the TV news.
The Vanuatu and Pacific islands people have always been strong supporters of West Papua and they have helped us in our time of need.
Now it is their days of need and we should respond generously and donate funds to relive the suffering and damage with humanitarian assistance and money to rebuild and buy urgently needed supplies.
Please donate generously to my appeal”
Benny Wenda
West Papua independence leader
Spokesperson for the United Liberation Movement of West Papua