Press release: Benny Wenda to observe Scottish independence referendum
September 17, 2014
This press release has been written by Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Free West Papua Campaign founder, Benny Wenda about his visit to Scotland to observe the independence referendum there.
Benny will be speaking from 19:00 this evening at: The Meadows, Melville Drive, EH9 9EX Edinburgh, United Kingdom
For any media inquiries, please contact Benny here:
Press contact number: 07883202154

Benny Wenda speaking to thousands of Scottish people the day before Scottish independence referendum
I am delighted on behalf of the West Papuan people to be invited to Scotland to witness the Scottish referendum on independence. Here I will see with my own eyes the peaceful and democratic way for a people to express their own self determination. Here I will see exactly what we have been working for in West Papua and what for so long we have illegally been denied. Whether the Scottish people want to be Independent or stay with the UK, the choice here is up to them. There will be no guns here, the army will not threaten people and force them to vote one way or another.
It is important for the West Papuan people, the Indonesian people and the people of the world to observe Scotland and see how an act of self determination is carried out to international standards. West Papuan people have had our right of self determination illegally denied to us for over 40 years. It is also important for the future that the Indonesian government sees how a referendum takes place in a peaceful, democratic and dignified fashion, where citizens are allowed to freely express their desires. What we see over the coming days in Scotland is what we ask for and will see in West Papua, and, what, under international law, is legally ours. It is the future for our people in West Papua. The opportunity to fulfill our legal right to self determination.
I am grateful for how well my visit has been received in both Edinburgh and Glasgow and for the example shown to the world by the Scottish people that self determination can exercised in such an honourable way. I thank the Scottish people for the spirit and warmth they have given me and the support Scotland has given our campaign and the West Papuan people over the years.