Massacre in West Papua highlands – over 40 people feared dead
May 28, 2013

Indonesian troops take aim at highland village
At least 18 people including children found brutally mutilated and murdered, 2 people raped and 30 adults, 2 children missing after a lethal Indonesian military operation in one highlands village.
Credible reports put the death toll at up to 41 people. Relatives of the a total of 30 missing adults are still searching across Puncak Jaya for their family members, though unconfirmed reports have emerged that Kopassus have arrested and detained at least 15 more people while searching for their family members.
Wim Medlama, the spokesperson for the KNPB, told, “Every person in the community known for activist activities in Puncak Jaya has been interrogated such that the whole community is now terrified to even carry out their usual daily activities.”
Disturbing footage of the Indonesian army (TNI) violently attacking a village in the Puncak Jaya region of West Papua has been released. The footage, filmed by one the soldiers, shows shots being fired into houses terrifying children, people are beaten and food is destroyed. The footage which can be seen below graphically shows the reality of life for so many in West Papua.
ABC News Australia also reported on the mass killing of innocent people in West Papua. Includes interview with a TPN/OPM leader, Jonah Wenda, who was arrested shortly after.

One of the victims, Yerson Wonda
We understand this is distressing but it is important that people see how Papuans are treated in their own land. The world needs to see these images.
Those confirmed dead are:
Mili Tabuni (37),
Sony Tabuni (35) ,
Ella Enumbi. Born Mewoluk DOB 12 March 1986, Secondary school student at Mulia State School Class III, Male,
Yerson Wonda, Born at Wondagobak, Mulia, Male. Tertiary College Student in Technical Trade in Jayapura; Also worked as Secretary of KNPB Puncak Jaya Region at Puncak Jaya.
Yos Kogoya (40) Former village head Mewoluk;
Pauwuli Tabuni (35) Village Head of Regional District Tingginambut;
Yaningga Tabuni (37) Village Head Regional District Yembuni Tingginambut;
Tepaus Tabuni (40) Village Head of Regional District Tingginambut;
Terius Enumbi (39) Shepherd of the Church of Kampung Kalome; and
Yemundan Enumby (35)
Inoga Wonda,
Deniti Telenggen,
Telapina Morib,
Aibon Tabuni,
Yomiler Tabuni,
Bongar Telenggen,
Eramina Murib.
Regina Tabuni.

Indonesian troops raid highland village
You can find more about this massacre such as pictures and the names and ages of those found killed and missing via this link.
This genocide will not stop until West Papua is fully free and independent. Please contact Mr. Erfi Triassunu Commander of Regional Military Command XVII Cendrawasih (Kemiliteran Daerah Papua / Kodam Papua) Jl. Polimak atas Jayapura Provinsi Papua
INDONESIA Fax: +62 967 533763,
ND Head of Police in Papua – Tito Karnavia:
and ask them to immediately cease this horrific operation which has already resulted in the brutal murder of 11 innocent Papuans and 30 others missing, feared killed